Looking for 50 GB Free & Affordable Cloud Storage

At work I had thoughts to back up the data of my external hard drive to cloud storage. Looking online, I found that Degoo gives 100 GB for free, but I could not transfer my files through my USB cable to my iPad. Degoo only allows people use their service if they use their app, or pay to use their service; lastly, a computer program is provided, if they invite ten people to use the service. That would be simple, but I did not want to deal with it. 

Apple only allows their users to transfer photos over USB. I think that Apple only allows that because they have an odd scheme. They have a "service," gathering individuals' photos. Apple syncs all the photos among devices. I think that this service is unnecessary. The scheme incentivizes people to pay for Apple cloud storage and phones with higher memory. They also make it difficult to delete individual photos. One practicely has to delete one at a time. Many dumb things like this makes Apple ridiculous. They have many little things that make their ecosystem difficult to get out of. This syncing of photos among Apple devices encourages people to upgrade to a more expensive device and subscribe to cloud storage.

Another cloud storage company that I considered is MEGA. They give additional storage space, if an individual is loyal to other products available. Their offer was satisfying my need, but a footnote soured it. The additional storage was a limited time offer, which is 180 days. 

I was looking for 50 GB, and I have been using OneDrive for sometime. Checking out Microsoft's offer, I found exactly what I was looking for, but their service cost 2 dollars a month.

This slowed down my day a lot, but I know that my data and files will be safe.


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